Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

A must-see for any Harry Potter fan. Honestly, the writer that has adapted the novel has made an excellent work.

Purists will shake on the fact that some key moments have been altered to not add any more complexity to an already complex story (complexity gets bigger given the fact that the film runs only for two hours and a half... only fifteen minutes more that the previous movie... and the book was three hundred more pages!).

The beginning of the movie, with the first glimpse of Lord Voldemort, the Quidditch World Cup (severely cutted down but with the Death Eaters' scenes intact), the dragon test (perfect!), the lake (excellent also!), the Yule Ball, the garden maze, Lord Voldemort... absolutely all is full of magic that very few movies are able to capture... definitely, I'll go to the cinema again.

Very recomendable, keep this cat's word.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Less pressure and That sexy thingie

Another week goes on and I feel obliged to think about how things have been going. The only thing that has been worrying me has been, as I stated in the previous post, work. In the end it seems that I was exagerating... even though I've not achieved my expectatives at 100%, it's also truth that they were somewhat unrealistic. It would have been nonsense because some of them were very dependent on how the rest of the game evolves.

In my efforts of keeping myself informed about my videogaming craze, I've been reading about the Game Boy Micro, latest cool little thing from Nintendo and I must say it's COOL. It's a very portable thingie (and to tell the truth... very sexy, not as much as Lady Meow but sexy nonetheless), barely bigger than my cell phone (that's pretty little, you know), with a screen little but very clear and bright... a true luxury for the ones who can afford it, that's not my case. Lord Meow always waits until the ideal moment to get his pawns over these little devices...

Now, to face weekend. It looks like it's going to be brilliant, to tell the truth. Well, the mere idea of spending two days with Lady Meow always make them brilliant but the difference this time is that we are going to invest better our time... plans, plans, plans... I really enjoy making these kind of plans...

¡Meowkie greetings!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Working around the clock

Today, ladies and gentlemen, a little pressure for me... in fact it's all my fault, the way I take on things... The game I'm currently developing must be finished or almost finished in the first week of January, and to say the truth, dates and me don't get along very well.

I've been checking the code and adding changes over a inestable codebase... a chaos, for sure. This evening I'm going to rewrite parts, I'm sure that I'll invest all the evening and part of the next day only to have the demo in the same state I had it this morning (with a much cleaner code, I hope). I really have to take things easy... but still, I've made big improvements with all this calm down issue. Ask Lady Meow for a proof.

Another thing, I'm thinking seriously on lay my pawns over a Nintendo DS. It's a little cool device you know, and has a big homebrew scene around it. I believe I can port some of my old projects to test it. Sadly, work does leave me with short spare time, and the little bit I have, I do prefer to spend it with Lady Meow, I only see she on weekends.

The start of all things

Okay, so I start today with my Blog, I don't know if it will be of any use to anyone (including myself).

I'll be trying to put down my point of views about a great deal of things, funny thing, anything all in all... I intent it to be of use... not exactly as a personal diary but a way to give anonymous people some hints about myself, my life and my work.

Currently I'm working as a game developer for cell phones. I'm working for a company right now whose name I'm not going to say. Even though this is currently my work, I have been experimenting on this field for years, and have made my little things as a hobbyist, so it won't be unusual to find technical posts about some of my ideas.

Okay then, let's see how much time this goes on.

PS: On a side note, I'm not a native english speaker, so if you find any mistakes in my grammar, please feel free to leave a comment. It will be greatly appreciated!